ITD CLUB CSR INITIATIVE - WAQAF & INFAQ FOR CFS MOSQUE What started as an ITD Club donation drive in July has materialized to a complete Community Social Responsibility (CSR) for ITD. With the aim to help CFS Mosque in mind, ITD initiated the CSR as a help to a community in need. On 14 September 2019, a team of ITD personnel departed from ITD IIUM Gombak to IIUM CFS Gambang with Al-Quran collected as waqaf and donations collected as infaq by ITD staff. The infaq collected is around RM930.00. ITD Convoy arrived at CFS around 1.15pm. ITD has been greeted by Br Mohd Izzudin from ITD CFS Gambang at the mosque. After performing solat jamak, the convoy met with Ustazah Azlina, the CFS Mosque representative. Br. Mohd Farisalharisi as the ITD IIUM Gombak representative has given the waqaf and infaq collected to her in a simple ceremony. It is hoped that the waqaf and infaq given will be a boon to the CFS community. After the ceremony, ITD convoy joined the CFS community in a Q
ITD welfare, sports & social club for ITD staff (IIUM GOMBAK)